Quickbooks and Excel

A great combination !

Importing stock parts, with Cost and Sales price – QB2012

I have quickly put together a simplified IIF template for importing stock parts. This is tested with QB2012 UK and is for experimentation only. Some headers may need to be altered for other versions of QB.

You need first to open the IIF template with excel. You must keep the headers as they are (Row 1)  and  change the the following  :-

1)Name of you stock part (in Name Column – col B)

2)Income account associated with item (ACCNT column – col H). This must already have been created in QB

3)Expense account associated with item (COGS – Col J). This must already have been created in QB

4)Price – under PRICE column

5)Cost – under COST column

When you have finished , save  and accept the text  delimited format. This is important.

Then, on the Quickbooks menu, go to File – Utilities – Import – IIF files and browse to the saves IIF template. Please make sure that you close and save the template first.

If you do it correctly, then you could import hundreds of items this way.

Please note that, before experimenting,  you must do a backup.


Stock import IIF file – simplified


June 23rd, 2013 Posted by | IIF imports | no comments

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