Quickbooks and Excel

A great combination !

Supplier BACS tool now available for Santander

I have now created a BACS tool for bulk supplier payments through Santander bank. There is both a Desktop and QBOnline version. The tool takes a payment report from Quickboks and converts it into an import file  that can be uploaded to the bank’s website. You will no longer have to manually enter supplier payments online one by one.

The  following tools are also available  :-

Barclays – Direct IP

Albany’s ALBACS


July 31st, 2016 Posted by | supplier BACS | no comments

Importing Purchase Requisitions

I have recently been reminded of a tool I wrote back in 2012 which has not been featured on this blog. The tool converts an excel Purchase Requisition into an IIF file that can be imported into Quickbooks Desltop as a Purchase Order . It can be then printed out and sent to the Supplier.

The excel Purchase Requisition has a macro button at the button of the form. When clicked , an IIF file is generated which readily imports in Quickbooks.

July 31st, 2016 Posted by | IIF imports | no comments