Quickbooks and Excel

A great combination !

Bulk email of remittance advices to suppliers – QB Desktop

It appears that Intuit expects users to either post remittance advices or email them one by one after first generating a pdf Remittance Advice through the pdf print option and attaching it to an email.

This is slightly impractical. Therefore, I have written a tool that will do the mass emailing every time a payment run is done.

If you have read my Supplier BACS post in this category of posts, you will  have already seen a demonstration of my BACS tool and my BACS report on which the tool is based. Now, the bulk emailing of remittance advices is only an extension of the payment process.

By using Outlook, in connection with Word and an exported  payment report, it is possible to email all suppliers paid on a particular day by the mail merge process and there is no need to attach anything to the email. All the information is on the body of the email.

The tool converts a standard Quickbooks report into a database. The process takes seconds. It is then possible to email all suppliers on a payment run with a few mouse clicks. On the body of each email will be the invoice numbers and amounts paid. You can have as many as 20 separate invoices listed on the body of each email and can email as many as 100 suppliers. The tools can easily be upgraded to do even more.

See my uploaded video below

Video demonstration



May 17th, 2013 Posted by | supplier BACS | no comments

Importing Day Books

Many enterprises like to maintain a day book that logs all supplier invoices that come in. A sequential number is given to each document and the original document reference is also noted. I see this as an ideal scenario for automating the posting of supplier bills.

Provided all the information is on the Day Book (eg date, invoice ref, amount, details,nominal code, etc) and the Day Book is maintained on Excel, it is possible to customise a Day Book that would be used as an IIF import.

I have created such a template and it really does save time. I will write more on this




May 2nd, 2013 Posted by | IIF imports | no comments