Quickbooks and Excel

A great combination !

Nat West Bankline tool for XERO

It is not usual for me to refer to software other than Quickbooks on these pages. However, I have been made aware of a need for  a tool that converts XERO’s exported Batch Payment CSV file into something that can be imported into Nat West Bankline. Therefore , I have writen a macro to convert the default Xero CSV file of Batch Payments

If anyone is interested , please email me .





November 12th, 2016 Posted by | supplier BACS | no comments

Supplier BACS update – Nat West Bankline

The long-awaited BACS file converter  for import into Nat West Bankline is now available for Desktop Version. A Quickbooks Online version will be out soon. It converts a Quickbooks report into an import file for Nat West Bankline.

There was some difficulty in getting the right format for Bankline – mainly due to the fact that Nat West has various levels of security which they need to modify in order for bankline to import batch payments.A phone call to the bank is almost always required in order to have the right settings. Meanwhile, one does not know if the format is right or not as any rejection may simply be due to security rather that the file format.

This has now been resolved and the tool created.

See video demo in the link below

Quickbooks Desktop BACS file for Nat West Bankline



August 24th, 2016 Posted by | supplier BACS | no comments

Supplier BACS tool now available for Santander

I have now created a BACS tool for bulk supplier payments through Santander bank. There is both a Desktop and QBOnline version. The tool takes a payment report from Quickboks and converts it into an import file  that can be uploaded to the bank’s website. You will no longer have to manually enter supplier payments online one by one.

The  following tools are also available  :-

Barclays – Direct IP

Albany’s ALBACS


July 31st, 2016 Posted by | supplier BACS | no comments

update on BACS tools

I have now written tools to use with the following :-

-Barclay Direct IP

-Albany (formerly ALBACS)

-RBS/Nat West Bankline

I am also working on combining the BACS tools with the Email Remittance Advice tool so that everything is run from within one tool.

For those not familiar with my Remittance Advice tool, it is a utility that generates a bulk list with Amounts, Invoice numbers , etc extracted from a particular payment run. The list can then be emailed automatically without any need to attach pdf Remittance Advices.


June 16th, 2013 Posted by | supplier BACS | no comments

Bulk email of remittance advices to suppliers – QB Desktop

It appears that Intuit expects users to either post remittance advices or email them one by one after first generating a pdf Remittance Advice through the pdf print option and attaching it to an email.

This is slightly impractical. Therefore, I have written a tool that will do the mass emailing every time a payment run is done.

If you have read my Supplier BACS post in this category of posts, you will  have already seen a demonstration of my BACS tool and my BACS report on which the tool is based. Now, the bulk emailing of remittance advices is only an extension of the payment process.

By using Outlook, in connection with Word and an exported  payment report, it is possible to email all suppliers paid on a particular day by the mail merge process and there is no need to attach anything to the email. All the information is on the body of the email.

The tool converts a standard Quickbooks report into a database. The process takes seconds. It is then possible to email all suppliers on a payment run with a few mouse clicks. On the body of each email will be the invoice numbers and amounts paid. You can have as many as 20 separate invoices listed on the body of each email and can email as many as 100 suppliers. The tools can easily be upgraded to do even more.

See my uploaded video below

Video demonstration



May 17th, 2013 Posted by | supplier BACS | no comments

Supplier BACS payments

Ever since Intuit brought out Quickbooks 2008 in the UK, the supplier BACS payment feature has been absent.The last version in the UK which could generate BACS file was version 2006.

Although version 2006 could generate BACS file, it generated a file for each payment. This was of little use since the benefit of BACS payment is that you can send the bank one file of multiple payments. Furthermore, the format was not readily compatible with the layout that different banks required. This led to third-party applications being used to combine fragmented files and convert them to something that could be imported into specific bank software. Now there is no BACS file of any kind that can be converted.

However, there is a very simple way around this. All you need to do is generate a Quickbooks report which provides the supplier name, bank details, amount and payment date. Then, export to excel and run this report through a macro which converts it to a file that can be read by the bank’s software. I have written such a macro and you can follow the link below for more information.

Supplier BACS payment

April 13th, 2013 Posted by | supplier BACS | no comments